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‘Funding cash flows again’

It’s great to see that funding for SMEs is starting to flow again following the recent changes to replace Regional Development Agencies with Local Enterprise Partnerships.

Denise Taylor commercial director of Bridge PR & Media Services Ltd



Leadership & Management funded training support is now available for company directors and leaders for their personal development and to help them become more effective leaders in their businesses.



Most of us are fully aware that good communication is vital for every business, irrespective of its size, helping everyone work towards a common goal, reducing sickness absence and reducing staff turnover.  With this in mind, we have created a modular training programme to help businesses develop and implement a highly effective communications strategy.


The programme is certainly welcome news, offering up to £1,000 matched grant funding for companies employing 2-249 staff who can demonstrate growth or growth potential. MDs and CEOs of businesses employing less than 50 people are eligible while other senior management will be considered from companies employing more than 50 people.


We have a proven track record of helping companies access funding for training, and the latest developments really do offer SMEs the chance not only to just to understand the principles of communication but also arm them with the knowledge to run fully integrated marketing campaigns.


Please give me a call on 024 7652 0025 or email me at to find out more.